ACCA财务管理F9 西安交通大学

财务管理(ACCA Paper F9 Financial Management)课程系国家级双语教学示范课,由西安交通大学管理学院会计系主任,博士生导师田高良教授主讲。田教授是全国会计学术类领军人才,财政部管理会计咨询专家,全国首届ACCA十佳教师,陕西教学名师。发表论文100余篇,主持项目60余项,获省部级奖10余项。
Introduction Introduction Introduction
Chapter 1 Financial management and financial objectives 1 The nature and purpose of financial management The nature and purpose of financial management
Chapter 1 Financial management and financial objectives 2 Financial objectives and the relationship with corporate strategy Financial objectives & Relationship with corporate strategy
Chapter 1 Financial management and financial objectives 3 Stakeholders Stakeholders
Chapter 1 Financial management and financial objectives 4 Measuring the achievement of corporate objectives Measuring the achievement of corporate objectives
Chapter 1 Financial management and financial objectives 5 Encouraging the achievement of stakeholder objectives Encouraging the achievement of stakeholder objectives
Chapter 1 Financial management and financial objectives 6 Not-for-profit organisations Not-for-profit organisations
Chapter 2 The economic environment for business Syllabus Overview Syllabus overview
Chapter 2 The economic environment for business 1 Outline of macroeconomic policy Outline of macroeconomic policy
Chapter 2 The economic environment for business 2 Fiscal policy Fiscal policy
Chapter 2 The economic environment for business 3 Monetary and interest rate policy Monetary and interest rate policy
Chapter 2 The economic environment for business 4 Exchange rates Exchange rates
Chapter 2 The economic environment for business 5 Competition policy Competition policy
Chapter 2 The economic environment for business 6 Government assistance for business & 7 Green policies & 8 Corporate governance regulation 6 & 7 & 8
Chapter 3 Financial markets and institutions 1 Financial intermediaries & 2 Money markets and capital markets Financial intermediaries & Money markets and capital markets
Chapter 3 Financial markets and institutions 3 International money and capital markets & 4 Rates of interest and rates of return 3 & 4
Chapter 3 Financial markets and institutions 5 Money market instruments 5 Money market instruments

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