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Week 1 Brainstorming Process | Troubleshooting 1#: I don't know what to write about. | Brainstorming strategy 1#: Looping |
Week 1 Brainstorming Process | Troubleshooting 1#: I don't know what to write about. | Brainstorming strategy 2#: Cubing |
Week 1 Brainstorming Process | Troubleshooting 1#: I don't know what to write about. | Brainstorming strategy 3# & 4#: Freewriting & Clustering |
Week 1 Brainstorming Process | Troubleshooting 1#: I don't know what to write about. | Brainstorming strategy 5#: Listing |
Week 1 Brainstorming Process | Troubleshooting 1#: I don't know what to write about. | Brainstorming strategy 6#: T-chart |
Week 1 Brainstorming Process | Troubleshooting 1#: I don't know what to write about. | How to research a topic? |
Week 1 Brainstorming Process | Troubleshooting 1#: I don't know what to write about. | Looping Practice |
Week 2 Planning & Outlining Process | Troubleshooting 2#: I don't know how to put my ideas together. | Planning & outlining-1 |
Week 2 Planning & Outlining Process | Troubleshooting 2#: I don't know how to put my ideas together. | Planning & outlining-2 |
Week 2 Planning & Outlining Process | Troubleshooting 2#: I don't know how to put my ideas together. | Planning & outlining-3 |
Week 2 Planning & Outlining Process | Troubleshooting 2#: I don't know how to put my ideas together. | Planning & outlining-4 |
Week 2 Planning & Outlining Process | Troubleshooting 3#: What is thesis statement? the soul of your paper. | Thesis statement |
Week 3 Drafting Process | drafting process | drafting process |
Week 4 Drafting Process | Troubleshooting 6#: how to develop the body of an essay? | drafting |
Week 5 Drafting Process | Drafting process | drafting process |
Week 6 Drafting Process | drafting process | drafting |
Week 7 Drafting Process | drafting process | drafting |
Week 8 Drafting Process | drafting process | drafting |
Week 9 Revision Process | Troubleshooting 13: what are the common errors found in students' writing | common errors |
Week 9 Revision Process | Troubleshooting 14: how to revise and edit your paper? | revision discussion-1 |
Week 9 Revision Process | Troubleshooting 14: how to revise and edit your paper? | revision discussion-2 |
Week 9 Revision Process | Troubleshooting 14: how to revise and edit your paper? | revision discussion-3 |
Week 9 Revision Process | Troubleshooting 14: how to revise and edit your paper? | Editing discussion-1 |
Week 9 Revision Process | Troubleshooting 14: how to revise and edit your paper? | Editing discussion-2 |
Week 9 Revision Process | Troubleshooting 14: how to revise and edit your paper? | Editing discussion-3 |
Week 9 Revision Process | Troubleshooting 14: how to revise and edit your paper? | Editing discussion-4 |
Week 10 Troubleshooting 15: How can I become a better reader and writer? | Suggestions on English learning resources and strategies | English learning resources-1 |
Week 10 Troubleshooting 15: How can I become a better reader and writer? | Suggestions on English learning resources and strategies | English learning resources-2 |
Week 10 Troubleshooting 15: How can I become a better reader and writer? | Suggestions on English learning resources and strategies | English learning resources-3 |
Week 10 Troubleshooting 15: How can I become a better reader and writer? | Suggestions on English learning resources and strategies | English learning strategies-1 |
Week 10 Troubleshooting 15: How can I become a better reader and writer? | Suggestions on English learning resources and strategies | English learning strategies-2 |
Week 10 Troubleshooting 15: How can I become a better reader and writer? | Suggestions on English learning resources and strategies | English learning strategies-3 |
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