英汉互译方法与技巧 南京大学

Week 1 A Brief Introduction to Translation Lesson 1 Why Translate Lesson 1 Why Translate
Week 1 A Brief Introduction to Translation Lesson 2 What Is Translation What Is Translation
Week 1 A Brief Introduction to Translation Lesson 3 What Is Good Translation What Is Good Translation
Week 2 Translation in Progress (1) Lesson 1 Four-Step Translation Process Lesson 1 Four-Step Translation Process
Week 2 Translation in Progress (1) Lesson 2 Gathering Background Information Gathering Background Information
Week 3 Translation in Progress (2) Lesson 3 Deciding on the Word Meaning Deciding on the Word Meaning
Week 3 Translation in Progress (2) Lesson 4 Looking for Appropriate Expression Looking for Appropriate Expression
Week 9 Cultural Elements in Translation Lesson 1 Cultivating Cultural Awareness Cultivating Cultural Awareness
Week 9 Cultural Elements in Translation Lesson 2 Translating Idioms within the Cultural Context Translating Idioms within the Cultural Context
Week 9 Cultural Elements in Translation Lesson 3 Translating Advertisements with the Target Culture in Mind Translating Advertisements in the Target Culture in Mind
Week 10 Translation of Different Genres of Writing (1) Lesson 1 Translating Scientific Writings Translating Scientific Writings
Week 10 Translation of Different Genres of Writing (1) Lesson 2 Translating Legal Documents Translating Legal Documents
Week 11 Translation of Different Genres of Writing (2) Lesson 3 Translating Public Speeches Translating Public Speeches
Week 11 Translation of Different Genres of Writing (2) Lesson 4 Translating Literary Works Translating Literary Works
Week 4 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (1) Lesson 1 Identifying Specialized Vocabulary Identifying Specialized Vocabulary
Week 4 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (1) Lesson 2 Analyzing Grammar and Logic Analyzing Grammar and Logic

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