中国文化与当代中国 南京大学

Unit One. Confucian Thoughts 中国的儒家思想 Part I. Rituals 礼 Video I. Rituals
Unit One. Confucian Thoughts 中国的儒家思想 Part II. Benevolence 仁 Benevolence 仁
Unit One. Confucian Thoughts 中国的儒家思想 Part III. Dao 道 Dao
Unit Two. Chinese Painting 中国传统绘画 Part I. Why are Chinese paintings usually not framed? 中国画为何不放在厚重的画框里? Video I.
Unit Two. Chinese Painting 中国传统绘画 Part II. Why are Chinese Paintings Black and White? 中国画为什么有很多黑白的? Video 2
Unit Two. Chinese Painting 中国传统绘画 Part III. Are Chinese Paintings a kind of Abstract Art? 中国画算得上一种抽象艺术吗? Video 3
Unit Three. Chinese Music 中国传统音乐 Part I. Essentials of Chinese Music 中国音乐的基本特色 Video I.
Unit Three. Chinese Music 中国传统音乐 Part II. Music Related with Chinese Traditional Thought 传统儒家音乐思想 Video 2.
Unit Three. Chinese Music 中国传统音乐 Part III. Polpular Music in Modern and Contemporary China 近代与当代的中国音乐 Video 3
Unit Four. Chinese Traditional Costume 中国传统服饰文化 Part I. The Relation between Traditional Costume and Social Status 传统服饰与社会阶层 Video 1
Unit Four. Chinese Traditional Costume 中国传统服饰文化 Part II. How Costume Reflected Woman's Rights? 服饰文化与女性地位 Video 2.
Unit Four. Chinese Traditional Costume 中国传统服饰文化 Part III. Chinese Red and its Opposite 中国红与其对应色 Video 3.
Unit Five. Chinese Food 中国饮食文化 Part I. Introduction and Huaiyang Cuisine 单元简介与淮扬菜系 Video 1.
Unit Five. Chinese Food 中国饮食文化 Part II. Cantonese Cuisine 粤菜 Video 2.
Unit Five. Chinese Food 中国饮食文化 Part III. Sichuan Cuisine 川菜 Video 3.
Unit Five. Chinese Food 中国饮食文化 Part IV. Northern Cuisine 北方菜系 Video 4.
Unit Five. Chinese Food 中国饮食文化 Part V. Eating for Harmony 养生 Video 5.
Unit Six. Chinese Traditional Festivals 中国传统节日文化 Part I. Introduction 简介 Video 1.
Unit Six. Chinese Traditional Festivals 中国传统节日文化 Part II. Spring Festival 春节 Video 2.
Unit Six. Chinese Traditional Festivals 中国传统节日文化 Part III. The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Video 2.
Unit Six. Chinese Traditional Festivals 中国传统节日文化 Part IV. The Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Video 3.

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