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第一周 Chapter1 Introduction | 1.1 Preface to Categorical Data Analysis | 课堂视频 |
第一周 Chapter1 Introduction | 1.2 Probability Distributions for Categorical Data +1.3 Statistical Inference for A Proportion | 课堂视频 |
第二周 Chapter2 Contingency Tables(1) | 2.1 Probability Structure for Contingency Tables | 课堂视频 |
第二周 Chapter2 Contingency Tables(1) | 2.2 Comparing Proportions in Two-by-Two Tables | 课堂视频 |
第二周 Chapter2 Contingency Tables(1) | 2.3 The Odds Ratio | 课堂视频 |
第二周 Chapter2 Contingency Tables(1) | 2.4 Chi-Square Test of Independence | 课堂视频 |
第三周 Chapter2 Contingency Tables(2)+程序课 | 2.5 Testing Independence for Ordinal Data | 课堂视频 |
第三周 Chapter2 Contingency Tables(2)+程序课 | 2.6 Exact Inference for Small Samples | 课堂视频 |
第三周 Chapter2 Contingency Tables(2)+程序课 | 2.7 Association in Three-Way Tables | 课堂视频 |
第三周 Chapter2 Contingency Tables(2)+程序课 | 第一章第二章程序课 | 第一章第二章程序课 |
第四周 Chapter3 Generalized Linear Model(1) | 3.1 Components of A Generalized Linear Model | 课堂视频 |
第四周 Chapter3 Generalized Linear Model(1) | 3.2 Generalized Linear Models for Binary Data | 课堂视频 |
第五周 Chapter3 Generalized Linear Model(2) | 3.3 Generalized Linear Models for Count Data | 课堂视频 |
第五周 Chapter3 Generalized Linear Model(2) | 3.4 Statistical Inference and Model Checking | 课堂视频 |
第七周 Chapter4 Logistic Regression(1) | 4.1 Interpreting the Logistic Regression Model | 课堂视频 |
第七周 Chapter4 Logistic Regression(1) | 4.2 Inference for Logistic Regression | 课堂视频 |
第八周 Chapter4 Logistic Regression(2) | 4.3 Logistic Regression with Categorical Predictors | 课堂视频 |
第八周 Chapter4 Logistic Regression(2) | 4.4 Multiple Logistic Regression | 课堂视频 |
第九周 Chapter5 Building and Applying Logistic Regression Models | 5.1 Strategies in Model Selection | 课堂视频 |
第九周 Chapter5 Building and Applying Logistic Regression Models | 5.2 Model Checking | 课堂视频 |
第九周 Chapter5 Building and Applying Logistic Regression Models | 5.3 Effects of Sparse Data | 课堂视频 |
第十周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(1) | 6.1 Logit Model for Nominal Responses | 课堂视频 |
第十周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(1) | 6.2 Cumulative Logit Models for Ordinal Responses | 课堂视频 |
第十周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(1) | 6.3 Paired-Category Ordinal Logits | 课堂视频 |
第十一周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(2)+程序课 | 6.4 Test of Conditional Independence | 课堂视频 |
第十一周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(2)+程序课 | 第三、四、五、六章程序演示 | chapter3-6程序 |
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