属性数据分析 厦门大学

第一周  Chapter1  Introduction 1.1 Preface to Categorical Data Analysis 课堂视频
第一周  Chapter1  Introduction 1.2 Probability Distributions for Categorical Data +1.3 Statistical Inference for A Proportion 课堂视频
第二周 Chapter2  Contingency Tables(1) 2.1 Probability Structure for Contingency Tables 课堂视频
第二周 Chapter2  Contingency Tables(1) 2.2 Comparing Proportions in Two-by-Two Tables 课堂视频
第二周 Chapter2  Contingency Tables(1) 2.3 The Odds Ratio 课堂视频
第二周 Chapter2  Contingency Tables(1) 2.4 Chi-Square Test of Independence 课堂视频
第三周 Chapter2  Contingency Tables(2)+程序课 2.5 Testing Independence for Ordinal Data 课堂视频
第三周 Chapter2  Contingency Tables(2)+程序课 2.6 Exact Inference for Small Samples 课堂视频
第三周 Chapter2  Contingency Tables(2)+程序课 2.7 Association in Three-Way Tables 课堂视频
第三周 Chapter2  Contingency Tables(2)+程序课 第一章第二章程序课 第一章第二章程序课
第四周 Chapter3 Generalized Linear Model(1) 3.1 Components of A Generalized Linear Model 课堂视频
第四周 Chapter3 Generalized Linear Model(1) 3.2 Generalized Linear Models for Binary Data 课堂视频
第五周 Chapter3 Generalized Linear Model(2) 3.3 Generalized Linear Models for Count Data 课堂视频
第五周 Chapter3 Generalized Linear Model(2) 3.4 Statistical Inference and Model Checking 课堂视频
第七周 Chapter4 Logistic Regression(1) 4.1 Interpreting the Logistic Regression Model 课堂视频
第七周 Chapter4 Logistic Regression(1) 4.2 Inference for Logistic Regression 课堂视频
第八周 Chapter4 Logistic Regression(2) 4.3 Logistic Regression with Categorical Predictors 课堂视频
第八周 Chapter4 Logistic Regression(2) 4.4 Multiple Logistic Regression 课堂视频
第九周 Chapter5 Building and Applying Logistic Regression Models 5.1 Strategies in Model Selection 课堂视频
第九周 Chapter5 Building and Applying Logistic Regression Models 5.2 Model Checking 课堂视频
第九周 Chapter5 Building and Applying Logistic Regression Models 5.3  Effects of Sparse Data 课堂视频
第十周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(1) 6.1 Logit Model for Nominal Responses 课堂视频
第十周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(1) 6.2 Cumulative Logit Models for Ordinal Responses 课堂视频
第十周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(1) 6.3 Paired-Category Ordinal Logits 课堂视频
第十一周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(2)+程序课 6.4 Test of Conditional Independence 课堂视频
第十一周 Chapter6 Multicategory Logit Models(2)+程序课 第三、四、五、六章程序演示 chapter3-6程序

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